Terms and Conditions

2CVParisTour‘s wish is to make you live an unforgettable experience in the french 2CV! We ask you to read the following terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are governed by the legal provisions on the transport of persons.

Booking via 2CVParisTour.com and 2CVParisTour.fr, you fully agree with the following conditions.

I ) You and Us :

You, defined as customer and us defined as 2CVParisTour.

2CVParisTour has all the legal authorizations required to perform the business of transporting persons.

2CVParisTour also has all insurances required to operate as transporter of persons :


Certification given by the legal French autorities to operate as a tourism transporter n° : EVCT075130631.

Insurance n° : 75639305X002.

 Siren : 532 071 438 – M. Marc Vernhet – 3, rue Saint Charles, 75015 Paris FRANCE


II ) The service :

2CVParisTour offers a service of transport for civil persons in a French 2CV Citroën car. This service is generally designated as “Tour”.

a ) The duration of a tour is determined by the selected offer an cannot exceed more than 1 hour compared to the duration determined by the initial offer.

b ) The tour content is defined as is, in the offer selected, but may include, by agreement between the customer and the driver, modifications if both parties agree to this change wholeheartedly.

c ) The customer can be accompanied by two other persons of his choice. The maximum transport capacity, ( driver not included ) is 3 people. Children can join the tour if accompanied by an adult. We provide child booster seats but you can use yours.

d ) When booking a tour on the website, the customer fills out a form.

The customer must provide :

– If possible, a valid phone number ( in case of difficulty to find the meeting point, or delay , the driver will try to contact the customer ). If no phone number is defined and that 2CVParisTour needs to contact you, 2CVParisTour cannot be held responsible in case of cancellation.

– A valid email address for choosing the meeting point and the beginning of the tour.

About the personal data provided during the booking process : We will never share the information you provide with anyone, or any company, neither for future marketing purposes nor for any other similar purposes. The only exception would be a legal request from the French state administration. Your data is only and strictly used for the booking and occasionally, following up the experience just after the tour. No personal data will be retained after the legal time requirements. 

About the Customer reviews system : We are glad to give you a page dedicated to your feedback on our service. Your satisfaction is our priority. Please, do not abuse of this service by posting comments that could have negative effects on our business. Do not use it for spamming, flooding, and anything else. 2CVParisTour keeps the entire right to moderate or not publish your comment, if it does not follow these rules.

e ) The meeting point is chosen by the customer when booking, by using the box on the booking system created for this purpose. It must be valid postal address in Paris . It cannot be changed the day of the tour. However, it is possible, by contacting 2CVParisTour via the contact form at the bottom of page or by phone, to request a change in the meeting point 24 hours in advance .

2CVParisTour will do its best to satisfy the customer request , but also reserves its right to cancel the tour. If the request is accepted by 2CVParisTour, a confirmation email will be sent to the customer .

f ) The place where the tour ends. It can be chosen by the customer when booking , using the box on the booking system. It can also be chosen during the tour. It must be valid postal address in Paris.

g ) Excepting special requests, made using the contact form or by phone, we do not organize regular sightseeing tours from 00:00AM to 9:00AM.

h ) The content of the tour may slightly vary depending on the timing, stops requested, customer’s demands or traffic jam. 2CVParisTour reserves its right to proceed to such modifications if necessary.

i ) 2CVParisTour aims to offers an amazing service. Unless specifically written and accepted by 2CVParisTour, it is therefore not possible to combine 2CVParisTour’s service with another supplier in order to preserve and ensure the quality, content and  nature of the tour.

j  ) Airport pick up and drop off / outside of Paris is not possible.

III ) Payment  :

– Payment for single tours ( 1 car ) can be made using the following methods : Credit card / Paypal / Cash. Credit card and Paypal payments are processed under the form of payment links. You can request a payment link to the team by email, WhatsApp or SMS, before or after the confirmation. The team will ask for your billing address in order to generate the link. Your billing address will be solely used for billing and not for any other purpose.

– Payment for other services than the ones offered on the website, depending on the availability and feasibility, can be made using the following methods : Credit card / Paypal / Cash / Bank transfer

– Payment can be full or be divided into two parts ( 50 % and 50 % ) if the price of the service requested exceeds 1000€.

– Payment method and conditions can differ under specific circumstances. In this case the client will be offered possible options

– Non-professionals: Full payment must be made on the day of the service at the latest

– Professionals: Full payment must be made 30 days maximum after receiving the invoice

– In case of unpaid service : Added penalty equivalent to 3 times the legal interest rate as defined by the French law. Professionals will also be charged a 40€ indemnity per unpaid invoice.

IV ) The cancellation of the service :

2CVParisTour reserves its right, if a specific event occurs, or if a safety concern must be observed, to modify or cancel the tour. The cancellation of the tour does not imply endorsement by 2CVParisTour and no compensation can be claimed.

Cancellations made by 2CVParisTour lead to a total refund if the service is not provided, or an adapted refund if the service is partially provided (e.g change in the numbers of vehicles involved ).

If the cancellation is made by the customer 2 days before the date of the tour, the deposit and/or full payment will be refunded.

If the cancellation is made by the customer less than 2 days before the date of the tour, the deposit will not be refunded. In case of full payment, a 50% penalty will be applied

In case of a prepaid tour with a duration longer than the price already paid and duration chosen when confirming the booking ( more than 30mn ), if the extension of time is requested or caused by the client, 2CVParisTour may request an additional payment proportional to the extended duration. If the extension is caused or offered by 2CVParisTour, no additional cost will be included in the final price.

By proceeding to the payment of the tour, full or deposit, you accept without reserve these conditions.

V ) The modification of the service :

Modifying the tour can also be done on the during the tour if the situation requires it, or at the request of the customer. The main causes of change can be :

– Strikes and other social events.

– Bad weather and other weather events that can deteriorate the quality of the service.

– Trafic jam.

– Accidents.

– Situations related to customer ( customer’s demand, but also inappropriate behavior,  customer’s sickness, customer’s desire to stop the tour before the end ).

– Unexpected breakdown / technical issue with the car. In this case, the client will be contacted and several options will be offered

The change to the service may involve the payment thereof, provided that the change is accepted by the customer and the driver.

VI) The case of absolute necessity :

In case of absolute necessity, 2CVParisTour reserves the right not to provide the service. No refund will be made in this case. 2CVParisTour may also not be held responsible for such cancellation .

VII) Liability

2CVParisTour cannot be liable for any cancellation, from the company or from the customer, and for any reason. By accepting the tour, which is considered as accepted when the customer receives the booking confirmation, the customer accepts also wholeheartedly that :

– 2CVParisTour can’t be liable or held responsible for the cancellation.

– 2CVParisTour can’t support financially any loss resulting from a cancellation.

– The customer cannot use the review system or any review platform in order cause harm to the company after a cancellation.

VII ) Claim :

Any claim can be made ​​by mail at  the following address :


3, rue Saint Charles

75015 Paris


Hosting : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix

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